Aspasia: The International Yearbook of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern European Women's and Gender History
Aspasia is the international peer-reviewed annual of women’s and gender history of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe (CESEE). It aims to transform European women’s and gender history by expanding comparative research on women and gender to all parts of Europe, creating a European history of women and gender that encompasses more than the traditional Western European perspective. Aspasia particularly emphasizes research that examines the ways in which gender intersects with other categories of social organization and advances work that explores transnational aspects of women’s and gender histories within, to, and from CESEE. The journal also provides an important outlet for the publication of articles by scholars working in CESEE itself. Its contributions cover a rich variety of topics and historical eras, as well as a wide range of methodologies and approaches to the history of women and gender.
Read the founding statement from the first issue of Aspasia here.
Anthropological Journal of European Cultures
Published since 1990, Anthropological Journal of European Cultures (AJEC) engages with current debates and innovative research agendas addressing the social and cultural transformations of contemporary European societies. The journal serves as an important forum for ethnographic research in and on Europe, which in this context is not defined narrowly as a geopolitical entity but rather as a meaningful cultural construction in people's lives, which both legitimates political power and calls forth practices of resistance and subversion. By presenting both new field studies and theoretical reflections on the history and politics of studying culture in Europe anthropologically, AJEC encompasses different academic traditions of engaging with its subject, from social and cultural anthropology to European ethnology and empirische Kulturwissenschaften.
In addition to the thematic focus of each issue, which has characterised the journal from its inception, AJEC now also carries individual articles on other topics addressing aspects of social and cultural transformations in contemporary Europe from an ethnographically grounded anthropological perspective. All such contributions are peer reviewed. Each issue also includes book reviews and reports on major current research programmes.
Anthropology in Action
Published in association with the Association of Social Anthropologists™ (ASA) Apply Network
Anthropology in Action (AIA) is a peer-reviewed journal publishing articles, commentaries, research reports, and book reviews in applied anthropology. Contributions reflect the use of anthropological training in policy- or practice-oriented work and foster the broader application of these approaches to practical problems. The journal provides a forum for debate and analysis for anthropologists working both inside and outside academia and aims to promote communication amongst practitioners, academics and students of anthropology in order to advance the cross-fertilisation of expertise and ideas.Published in association with the Association of Social Anthropologists’ (ASA) Apply Network
Anthropology in Action (AIA) is a peer-reviewed journal publishing articles, commentaries, research reports, and book reviews in applied anthropology. Contributions reflect the use of anthropological training in policy- or practice-oriented work and foster the broader application of these approaches to practical problems. The journal provides a forum for debate and analysis for anthropologists working both inside and outside academia and aims to promote communication amongst practitioners, academics and students of anthropology in order to advance the cross-fertilisation of expertise and ideas. - See more at: http://journals.berghahnbooks.com/aia#sthash.WrMnfaCf.dpuf -
The Cambridge Journal of Anthropology
The Cambridge Journal of Anthropology is an international, peer-reviewed journal that publishes ambitious and rigorous scholarship in contemporary social and cultural anthropology. The journal draws on a range of theoretical and political traditions to provide original insights into human social life and to critically interrogate the terms of the anthropological endeavour.
The journal encourages the submission of ethnographic research articles that generate new ideas and aspire to encourage readers across different topical, regional and theoretical fields.
The journal is published twice a year (spring and winter) and features original peer-reviewed research articles and book reviews. In addition the journal publishes occasional collections of essays and commentaries that debate issues of significant, topical interest.
Boyhood Studies
Boyhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal is a peer-reviewed journal providing a forum for the discussion of boyhood, young masculinities, and boys’ lives by exploring the full scale of intricacies, challenges, and legacies that inform male and masculine developments. Boyhood Studies is committed to a critical and international scope and solicits both articles and special issue proposals from a variety of research fields including, but not limited to, the social and psychological sciences, historical and cultural studies, philosophy, and social, legal, and health studies.
One of the core missions of the journal is to initiate conversation across disciplines, research angles, and intellectual viewpoints. Both theoretical and empirical contributions fit the journal’s scope with critical literature reviews and review essays also welcomed. Possible topics include boyish and tomboyish genders; boys and schooling; boys and (post)feminisms; the folklore, mythology, and poetics of “male development”; son-parent and male student-teacher relations; young masculinities in the digital and postdigital ages; young sexualities; as well as representations of boyhoods across temporalities, geographies, and cultures.
Conflict and Society
Publishing peer-reviewed articles by international scholars, Conflict and Society expands the field of conflict studies by using ethnographic inquiry to establish new fields of research and interdisciplinary collaboration. An opening special section presents general articles devoted to a topic or region followed by a section featuring conceptual debates on key problems in the study of organized violence. Review articles and topical overviews offer navigational assistance across the vast and varied terrain of conflict research and comprehensive reviews of new books round out each volume. With special attention paid to ongoing debates on the politics and ethics of conflict studies research, including military-academic cooperation, Conflict and Society will be an essential forum for scholars, researchers, and policy makers in the fields of anthropology, sociology, political science, and development studies.
Contention: The Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Protest
Contention offers a novel contribution to the study of social protest and political behavior. The journal intends to advance knowledge about a comprehensive range of collective actions, social movements, and other forms of political and social contention. Its main purposes are to offer a multidisciplinary forum to scholars from different fields and to bridge the gap between them, within and across the social sciences and humanities.
Ethnologia Europaea
Ethnologia Europaea is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal focusing on European cultures and societies, past and present. The journal was first published in 1967, and since then, it has acquired a position as the international flagship journal within European Ethnology and related fields. It carries material of great interest for European ethnologists, cultural anthropologists, and scholars of folklore, as well as cultural historians and cultural studies scholars worldwide.
Associated with the principal international society in the field, the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore (SIEF), the journal is A-ranked according to the European Science Foundation journal evaluation (ERIH+) and a level 2 (top-level) journal, according to the Norwegian model.
The journal is published biannually, usually with one open issue and one thematic issue. Each manuscript is evaluated by a double-blind peer review, including those submitted together as a 'special issue'.
The journal is edited by joint editors-in-chief Alexandra Schwell and Patrick Laviolette. Agnieszka Pasieka is the sub-section editor for the "Ethnographic Snapshots".
Ethnologia Europaea is the flagship journal of the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore (SIEF). In compliance with the ERIH+ criteria, all contributions published in Ethnologia Europaea are given an abstract in English as well as an author biography, including affiliation and contact information.
European Comic Art
European Comic Art is the first English-language scholarly publication devoted to the study of European-language graphic novels, comic strips, comic books and caricature. Published in association with the American Bande Dessinée Society and the International Bande Dessinée Society, European Comic Art builds on existing scholarship in French-language comic art and is able to draw on the scholarly activities undertaken by both organisations. However, our editorial board and consultative committee bring expertise on a wider European area of comic art production and the journal will emphasise coverage of work from across Europe, including Eastern Europe.
Democratic Theory
Democratic Theory is a peer-reviewed journal published and distributed by Berghahn. It encourages philosophical and interdisciplinary contributions that critically explore democratic theory—in all its forms. Spanning a range of views, the journal offers a cross-disciplinary forum for diverse theoretical questions to be put forward and systematically examined. It advances non-Western as well as Western ideas and is actively based on the premise that there are many forms of democracies and many types of democrats.
Democratic Theory is a peer-reviewed journal published and distributed by Berghahn. It encourages philosophical and interdisciplinary contributions that critically explore democratic theory—in all its forms. Spanning a range of views, the journal offers a cross-disciplinary forum for diverse theoretical questions to be put forward and systematically examined. It advances non-Western as well as Western ideas and is actively based on the premise that there are many forms of democracies and many types of democrats. - See more at: http://journals.berghahnbooks.com/democratic-theory/#sthash.owyzdCgT.dpuf -
French Politics, Culture & Society
FPC&S is the journal of the Conference Group on French Politics & Society. It is jointly sponsored by the Institute of French Studies at New York University and the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies at Harvard University
French Politics, Culture & Society explores modern and contemporary France from the perspectives of the social sciences, history, and cultural analysis. It also examines France's relationship to the larger world, especially Europe, the United States, and the former French Empire. The editors also welcome pieces on recent debates and events, as well as articles that explore the connections between French society and cultural expression of all sorts (such as art, film, literature, and popular culture). Issues devoted to a single theme appear from time to time. With refereed research articles, timely essays, and reviews of books in many disciplines, French Politics, Culture & Society provides a forum for learned opinion and the latest scholarship on France.
German Politics and Society
German Politics and Society is a joint publication of the BMW Center for German and European Studies (of the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). These centers are represented by their directors on the journal's Editorial Committee.
German Politics and Society is a peer-reviewed journal published and distributed by Berghahn Journals. It is the only American publication that explores issues in modern Germany from the combined perspectives of the social sciences, history, and cultural studies.
The journal provides a forum for critical analysis and debate about politics, history, film, literature, visual arts, and popular culture in contemporary Germany. Every issue includes contributions by renowned scholars commenting on recent books about Germany.
Israel Studies Review
Israel Studies Review (ISR) is the journal of the Association for Israel Studies, an international and interdisciplinary scholarly organization dedicated to the study of all aspects of Israeli society, history, politics, and culture.
ISR explores modern and contemporary Israel from the perspective of the social sciences, history, the humanities, and cultural studies and welcomes submissions on these subjects. The journal also pays close attention to the relationships of Israel to the Middle East and to the wider world, and encourages scholarly articles with this broader theoretical or comparative approach provided the focus remains on modern Israel.
One of the main tasks of the ISR is to review in a timely manner recent books on Israel-related themes, published in English, Hebrew, and Arabic. Authors and publishers are invited to send us their books for review consideration.
The Israel Studies Review editors fully recognize the passions and controversies present in this field. They are dedicated to the mission of the ISR as a nonpartisan journal publishing scholarship of the highest quality, and are proud to contribute to the growth and development of the emergent field of Israel Studies.
Journal of Bodies, Sexualities, and Masculinities
The Journal of Bodies, Sexualities and Masculinities aims to bring together “critical studies of men and masculinities†and “sexuality studies.†More specifically, the journal provides a venue for research on men’s sexualities and all of their complexities -- temporal, medical, geographic, cultural, ethnic, legal - by welcoming submissions from the social sciences, humanities, life sciences, and health studies that are theoretically rigorous, methodologically sound, and draw on interdisciplinary approaches. It will provide a dialogue that will not only report cutting edge empirical research findings, it will also be a forum for new theoretical, methodological and empirical insights.
The intended audience for Journal of Bodies, Sexualities and Masculinities consists of academics, policy makers, researchers and practitioners, as well as broader stakeholders in private and third sector industries. There is a growing interest in men’s sexualities in recent years, and numerous issues concerning men and sex are being highlighted across the world including the mainstream press. We are committed to ensuring that ideas are accessible to both a general public and an academic audience precisely because ideas matter.
Journal of Bodies, Sexualities, and Masculinities is, on the one hand, distinct from journals publishing on masculinities, and on the other, it is distinct from those publishing on sexualities. Journal of Bodies, Sexualities, and Masculinities explicitly requires that these two fields be brought together to understand better the complexities of masculinities and sexualities, and especially the way they intersect with one another.
Journal of Bodies, Sexualities, and Masculinities is an interdisciplinary journal. Much of the scholarship on men and masculinities tends to empirical in nature. While Journal of Bodies, Sexualities, and Masculinities will certainly welcome empirically-driven articles, we are also committed to providing an avenue for theoretically-driven and conceptual articles.
Migration and Society
Migration is at the heart of the transformation of societies and communities and touches the lives of people across the globe. Migration and Society is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal advancing debate about emergent trends in all types of migration. We invite work that situates migration in a wider historical and societal context, including attention to experiences and representations of migration, critical theoretical perspectives on migration, and the social, cultural, and legal embeddedness of migration. Global in its scope, we particularly encourage scholarship from and about the global South as well as the North.
Projections: The Journal for Movies and Mind
Projections: The Journal for Movies and Mind is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal that explores how the mind experiences, understands, and interprets the audiovisual and narrative structures of cinema and other visual media. Recognizing cinema as an art form, the journal aims to integrate established traditions of analyzing media aesthetics with current research into perception, cognition, and emotion, according to frameworks supplied by psychology, psychoanalysis, and the cognitive and neurosciences. Submissions are welcomed from a variety of scholarly methods within the humanities and the sciences, from aesthetic to empirical, theoretical, and historical approaches. The journal seeks to facilitate a dialogue between scholars in these disciplines and bring the study of moving image media to the forefront of contemporary intellectual debate.
Published in association with The Society for Cognitive Studies of the Moving Image
Regions and Cohesion
Regions & Cohesion is the journal of the Consortium for Comparative Research on Regional Integration and Social Cohesion-Social Elevation (RISC-RISE), a cross-regional, interdisciplinary, and multilingual network of socially conscious and prestigious research institutes in Europe, North America, South America, Africa, and Asia.
The journal publishes peer-reviewed articles on the human and environmental impacts of regional integration processes. It disseminates conceptual and empirical research (articles) and normative analysis (Leadership Forum) of topics related to human and environmental security, social cohesion, and governance.
The journal facilitates a cross-regional intellectual dialogue on timely political, social and environmental issues from a regional perspective and is especially committed to publishing scholarship from emerging/transition countries and developing states. Its multilingual (English, Spanish and French) and interdisciplinary character contribute to the journal’s originality in providing an inclusive forum for scholars and practitioners in different world regions to engage in important international discussions related to sustainable human development. This dialogue reflects RISC’s mission of connecting scholars and practitioners from different world regions who otherwise would not have the opportunity to interact.
Social Analysis
Social Analysis is an international peer-reviewed journal devoted to exploring the analytical potentials of anthropological research. It encourages contributions grounded in original empirical research that critically probe established paradigms of social and cultural analysis. The journal expresses the best that anthropology has to offer by exploring in original ways the relationship between ethnographic materials and theoretical insight. By forging creative and critical engagements with cultural, political, and social processes, it also opens new avenues of communication between anthropology and the humanities as well as other social sciences.
The journal publishes four issues per year, including regular Special Issues on particular themes. The Editors welcome individual articles that focus on diverse topics and regions, reflect varied theoretical approaches and methods, and aim to appeal widely within anthropology and beyond. Proposals for Special Issues are selected by the Editorial Board through an annual competitive call.
Before submitting articles to Social Analysis, authors are advised to read the Editor’s detailed advice as to what makes a good submission.
Sibirica is a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal covering all aspects of the region and relations to neighboring areas, such as Central Asia, East Asia, and North America. The journal publishes articles, research reports, conference and book reviews on history, politics, economics, geography, cultural studies, anthropology, and environmental studies. It provides a forum for scholars representing a wide variety of disciplines from around the world to present findings and discuss topics of relevance to human activities in the region or directly relevant to Siberian studies.
Social Anthropology / Anthropologie Sociale
Social Anthropology/ Anthropologie Sociale is the official journal of the European Association of Social Anthropologists and is an international forum for anthropological debate. This journal publishes four times a year in both English and French, focusing on a wide variety of subjects which address the key questions in contemporary Anthropology.
Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory
Theoria is a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed international journal of social and political theory. Published every quarter, its purpose is to address, through academic debate, the many challenges posed by the major social, political and economic forces that shape the contemporary world, especially but not only with regard to Africa, the global South, and their relations with the global North. Theoria wishes to bridge South and North through publishing writing on social and political theory, regardless of ideological perspective and theoretical or methodological approach. It is particularly interested in how contemporary systems of power bear on questions of democracy, freedom, equality, justice, race, gender and identity.
Transfers: Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies is a peer-reviewed journal publishing cutting-edge research on the processes, structures, and consequences of the movement of people, resources, and commodities. Intellectually rigorous, broadly ranging, and conceptually innovative, the journal combines the empiricism of traditional mobility history with more recent methodological approaches from the social sciences and the humanities.